Well, Delaney had eight friends over for pizza, cake & ice cream sundaes, make up & nail polish fun, then some games & singing... Here are some of the highlights!

However, we think she is coming down with MONO because she mostly slept through her party!!!
Well, I've saved the best part for last...
The girls were getting rowdy & wanted to paint their faces, then go TP someone!

Can you guess what happened next? The next door neighbor of the classmate the girls TP'd must have called the police, because after each girl had used up her roll of TP & hopped back into our van, we turned onto the next street & got pulled over by a policewoman! Yikes. She asked for license & registration, asked what was going on, then called for back-up... a couple minutes later a male police officer pulled up (both cars with their lights on at a prominent intersection in town)... they asked me to get out of the car to chat with them away from the 'children'... I had quite a 'talking to' about how I could get charged with damage to property & child endangerment (for having too many kids in the car without seatbelts). Yikes again. I don't know how many fines or tickets or whatever I COULD have got, but I was lucky to get off without anything :-) Thank goodness for a clean driving record & a heart of contrition. I promised to go straight home, then deliver the girls home in two shifts, so that they could be properly belted in. Talk about a humiliating not-so-stellar mother moment!
I told the girls in the car that I was sorry, that they weren't getting in trouble or sent to 'juvie', and I personally would talk to their parents when I dropped them off to explain what had happened. (Honesty is always the best policy, even when the policewoman is shining her flashlight in your car to count heads & see how much TP is in the trunk)... and I told the girls that it's okay to tell your parents about the incident, again apologizing for my lapse in judgment. Well, that about does it for Delaney's birthday. Anyone want to top that? :-)
After it gets around the school, I wonder if parents will let their kids come over to play at our house? Such wonderful supervision is provided... and Lance was out of town, so I was the only 'responsible' adult to account for the evening's conduct - wow. I feel a guest spotlight coming on for 'Mother of the Year', (or what not to do!) LOL. Just another teaching moment in the life of Kim :-)
Oh, and I promise never to drive again with more people than I have seatbelts for!